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Hello All, Yes it's that time of year again. School Time. In case you don't know every week, (until school is over) I will be posting a book report about what I am reading in school. So let's get started!                           
Four hundred years ago, on Chesapeake Bay Virginia, there lived a courageous girl named Pocahontas. She was the favorite daughter of Chief Powhatan. Even when she was little she wanted to explore. "The Brothers" were going on a trip to spy on the white people, who had just landed on Chesapeake Bay. Pocahontas had hidden in the bottom of their canoe, covered by a blanket with a little bag filled with popcorn and berries. When "The Brother's" found her they were very angry and took her back to her Father, Chief Powhatan. Her punishment was that she could not eat or be spoken to until "The Brothers" return.

One day when she was playing "hide-from-the-hunter" with her friends, she discovered Captain John Smith. Pocahontas was so scared that she couldn't move. Later she helped him when the braves captured him. The medicine man was going to put him to death as a sacrifice to the war god. But Pocahontas would not allow that. She ran up to him and stood in the way of the knife. Because she was the Chief's favorite daughter, Powhatan let John Smith go. After that John Smith was made her elder brother. John Smith gave Pocahontas and her family many  wonderful gifts. Pocahontas spent a few days with John Smith.  

While at Jamestown, several of the men tried to kill John Smith because people wanted him to be the Leader. That made the other people running for leader very angry. But just as they were about to kill John Smith two more ships arrived bringing food. In all the rush they forgot about John Smith.

Later in Pocahontas's life she helped save all of Jamestown by warning them about her Father who planned to come give them food and kill them while they were eating. Pocahontas was going to marry a great warrior named Kokum but he died fighting the white men. After John Smith was hurt in a gunpowder accident and sent back to England, a man by the name of Captain Argall asked Pocahontas to come on the ship and eat supper with him. But little did she know that it was all a trick to get her to come with them back to Jamestown to hold her captive. Soon after that they took her to a town called Henrico where she met John Rolfe one evening when he stopped by to ask her about  the best way to plant corn. Later she married John.  

Before she got married, John told her about Jesus and she was baptized and given the Christian name, Rebecca. The wedding was a big wedding.   Her Father didn't come but sent her some pearls. A few months later she went out to pick some flowers.   She carried with her baby Thomas. When she took him to see Chief Powhatan he held out his arms for the baby and called Pepsi-canow which meant Mighty waters.

A year later John and Rebecca decided to sail to England with one year old Thomas and her Father's slave Tomo-como. When they were about to leave the medicine man came toward them and cursed their ship, The Treasurer. They spent a few years in England.

While trying to come back to Jamestown and Pocahontas's people, Pocahontas died on the ship.  The date was March of 1617.  She was only twenty years old. When John Smith learned of her death, he wrote these words in a letter: "When we think of all the young Princess accomplished, not only for my sake, but for her people and for all she cared for in Jamestown, we can only say one thing, Surely it was God who made Pocahontas".      THE END

Hope you enjoyed reading about Pocahontas! The real book is called Pocahontas the True Princess. Hope you come back soon!
                                 - Becca


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