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Heritage Hill

Hello everyone! What are you all up too? School has already started so my Mom took me in a Field to Heritage Hill in Green Bay on Tuesday. We wanted to go to the school house but we missed the first class and had to wait for the second. We went to the fire station for the bucket brigade instead.

This is the fire wagon they used in 1872.

                                       This is the fire station and the guy who set up the bucket brigade. For a bucket brigade he set up some flags that were used as the fire. Someone would fill a bucket with water and hand it to the person next to them and so on till it reached the fire and the empty bucket was handed back down the line. 
Then we went to the farm house where I got to....
....card wool......

.....and wash laundry!
Then we went to the barn. Then I scraped the bark off of pieces of wood. After that I went and did the egg race.  I had to run to some barrels turn around and come back without dropping my egg. If I dropped it I had to start all over.
Then we went and did exercises. 
This was the guy who taught us the exercises. (don't you just love his costume?!)
I never knew that these guns could be so HEAVY!
They had a quill pen and an ink pot and a sand shaker.
Then I got to play some games!

Then I listened to some dulcimer music.
We went to the blacksmith shop where he made a curly S hook.
Finally time for school!
It was really neat to get to do school like they would have back then.
I just couldn't resist the goats they were soo cute! (But a little greedy... they just stayed in the shed half the day eating hay)
The Church was so pretty.
Selfie time!
                                  Then we went to the Cheese Factory.

And last but not least the scarecrows.

All in all it was a fun trip.  Later (at like midnight!!) my Mom left to pick up my Dad and Grandpa from the airport. Well hope you enjoyed.  See you later!


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