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My life/fam

      Hey Everyone! I figured you might want to know a little bit about me, my fam, and what life is up too right now. First of all "my fam". No other parents can compare to mine. My Dad is in Alaska right now for the Native American meetings. He is the Pastor of Living Word Fellowship and is the most Godly man I know. My Mom is always busy. She is always taking us to where we need to go and reminding us how much God loves us.

                                                           Love you Dad and Mom

My sister Anna is the sweetest girl alive. She got married two years ago to Ethan Pritchard. A year later they had Haven Grace, the cutest little girl ever. On January 7th, Haven is going to be a big sister! You can follow Anna's blog Here:
                                                          Love you Annie! (and Havey)

Kara is my other sister. She used to run Cross Country and Track. It would be weird to see her in second or third because she was always in the lead. Kara is going to be coaching Cross Country this year. (Lucky you to all the runners out there that are doing Cross Country this year!) Kara is a real gem and I'm glad she is my sister. 
                                                You the real MVP Kara.

Isaac is the only brother and all the little kids adore him. (And me too, I guess :p)Isaac is going to do soccer and track this year. He is a good GREAT! driver. He just got his drivers permit a month ago. He plays the guitar really, really, well.
                                                   Love you Ike (looks like  Haven does too LOL)

And we can't forget the little black bunny that came on October 20th named, Sophie. From the start she was a good bunny. I never really got bit until like a month later. (But only when I was in the way and she needed to get through. So, why not bite?)
                                                      You be the best bunny ever

"Life": Right now life is good. Piano is going well.  Anna is teaching me to play by ear and Mrs. Johnson is teaching me to play by note. Running is my main right now. The farthest I have ran is four miles. Let's just say I was dead by the time I got home.
                             And running two miles in the rain is the best way to spend twenty minutes.

Right know the best things to do are: run, go to the mall with my bestie, play soccer, play with Sophie, have family time, read my Bible and pray, and hang with my best friend Nathaly.
                                                           You the best Nat!

        Hope you enjoyed meeting my fam. And I hope you come back soon. Bye for now.
                                           - Becca 


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