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I'm running a half marathon?!?

 You've probably already gathered from the title.

But yes I am running a half marathon. 13.1 miles to be exact. Yes I'm scared, and no I'm not crazy (I think). Anyway I decided to document this journey with a weekly vlog recap over on my TikTok account. (It's rebecca.pyatskowit if you were wondering, as I'm sure you were haha.) But I also thought it might be fun to write down some of the things I'm thinking while out on my runs. Either to encourage, entertain, uplift, and or give you someone to feel sorry for. I've found that I really appreciate watching and learning from other runners via social media. It helps knowing that if someone else can do it so can I, and if I'm ever having a bad run someone else has probably had a much worse one and so on. So here I am joining the trend and documenting this journey for all you lovely people to follow along with. :)

So how did I get here?

First I got convinced by my best friend to do it. I had already been wanting to do one for the past year but with my life being absolutely crazy I didn't think it was possible at the moment, and put my plan on hold. I still kept my eye out for half marathons in the next couple months but settled for just running 5k's instead. My best friend knew all this and sent me a snap one day saying "you know what lets just do it" and I agreed because with the help of a best friend you can do anything. So we started our plans and signed up. I did not know how expensive it was going to be?! Like I am out here voluntarily running 13 miles and I have to pay 100 or more dollars to do so? absolutely criminal. But despite that at the end of say there I was all signed up. 

After the initial "no way I'm really doing this" and then tossing my money down the drain. The next phase was finding a training plan. To be completely honest with you guys I calculated how many weeks I had (12 if you're wondering) and then promptly googled "12 week half marathon training plan" and went with the first option. To be fair here I am a seasoned runner who has ran all through high school and I did read a couple training books about half marathons. So when the first plan met all the criteria I was looking for I went with it. Then when it was slow at work (I'm a librarian with excess to unlimited craft supplies) I drew up a cute little plan. It has boxes for all the different types of runs and then I also bought some cute little multi-color star stickers so I can sticker off every run that I accomplish. While also holding myself accountable for any unfinished runs that might take place. 

The training plan is fairly simple. 2 easy middle distance runs, 1 nice short speed workout, and of course 1 long run. With the distance for each gradually growing longer by the week. There's also the week before taper and some room for core and lifting. My rules for the middle distance runs are a little different. Since my work weeks look different and can be way more busy based on the week. If I only end up getting three runs in, and missing one of the middle distance runs that is totally fine. I also added in an allowance for cross training. One of the middle distance runs could be substituted for various cross training methods if my legs are needing it. 

A backstory. Yes you guys are getting a little sentimental back story just bear with me. As someone who has been running for more then half of my life (I started when I was 8 kept on and off until now) being able to go for a run has never been a question for me. It's always a given that if I feel like it I can. But after watching my sweet younger sister battle her fight with a genetic disease which led to a three month hospital stay and a transplant. I realized that not every person or child who wants too is able to run. Running is very much in fact a privilege and I don't want to waste the gift that God has given me. So my little motto for the time being is simply this "run for them". Run for those who do not have the ability to at the moment. Run for those that wish to run but don't have the strength that they need for it. My main goal here is to take a long hard look at all the people in the hospitals around the world that are not able to enjoy the gift of running at this given moment and run for them. 

All that's left now after signing up, getting a backstory, and finding a training plan, is the actual running part so wish me luck!  :)

Here is  my other little motivation during this training block.

"Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:28-31
                           Jasmine!! who finally convinced me to do it if we do it together 

                                        Our girl Ayeanna who inspired the run for them motto 

           I tweaked it a little based on my own personal preferences but this is my base training plan.


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