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I'm running a half marathon?!?

 You've probably already gathered from the title. But yes I am running a half marathon. 13.1 miles to be exact. Yes I'm scared, and no I'm not crazy (I think). Anyway I decided to document this journey with a weekly vlog recap over on my TikTok account. (It's rebecca.pyatskowit if you were wondering, as I'm sure you were haha.) But I also thought it might be fun to write down some of the things I'm thinking while out on my runs. Either to encourage, entertain, uplift, and or give you someone to feel sorry for. I've found that I really appreciate watching and learning from other runners via social media. It helps knowing that if someone else can do it so can I, and if I'm ever having a bad run someone else has probably had a much worse one and so on. So here I am joining the trend and documenting this journey for all you lovely people to follow along with. :) So how did I get here? First I got convinced by my best friend to do it. I had already been wanti
Recent posts

Welcome back :)

Hi guys, welcome back! Yeah I know I haven't posted in like a YEAR! But I'm trying 🤣 Anyways We've done a lot of stuff this year. So here's a few pictures from 2019/2020 to get you updated.                                               The kill squad 😎 BFF Hanging out with my favs  The perfect photobomb  Louannnnn we missed you :)  The crazy cousins  Taking pictures on hay bales  My new best friend I met in Ohio  Cheering on the bro  Words of wisdom  The squishes and the squisher  shopping after  a tornado  Wisco views  Lots of love for Pooh and Roo EAA 2019 was AMAZING! MY BABIES 💛💛 Cant wait to meet niece/nephew number 3 in July :)  So yeah that's what I've been up too. Hope you enjoyed my first post in over a year.  And let me know if you have any ideas or things you want to see me post. Thanks for reading! -Becky 

Ice Cream Party

                                                   Elise is 15!! Here are a few pics of her ice cream party!                                                 Taking a quick pic before Kara had to leave for work.                                                        And another one before dessert!                                                                 Elise ❤❤                                                "Best friends are flowers in the garden of life."                                                         And the judging begins!                                                             Judge Seth The winners were: 1st place: Elise and Rebecca: Ultimate Turtle. 2nd place: Isaac and Nathaly: Winner Sundae. 3rd place: JJ (I forgot what his was called...…) Seth made medals with a huge one for first place and a smaller second place and a teeny-tiny third place. Happy Birthday Elise! I hope you have a great day!  -Becca

The busyness coutinues!

                                                   What's up guys?! We have been so busy lately! First, Cross country and Soccer started meaning practice every day. Then school started. And lucky Dad was able to go visit Ethan and Anna and the girls :) So here are a few pics of how our life is going right now! Haven feeding Grandpa......                                                       …..and enjoying it. ❤❤❤                              Wittle Hopie ❤❤ I know they don't live in WI but they're both just too cute not to post about! #Auntielife                           Mom and I went on a little shopping trip last week and I was able to find clothes!                                           Our MS Cross Country team this year.              Cheering on my fav player #7. He scored two goals last game and I'm kinda proud of him. Well hope you enjoyed! CC starts in thirty minutes and we're running hills today so lets hope I don't die. S

All In Three Afternoons

                                                     Hi guys                         Here are a few pictures of what we've been doing lately.                                                                        How to get your exercise in! :)                                                            Lake side view. Find the frog. (Hint it's on the top in the middle)      Did I mention that I love lake sunsets. :P          Pizza on the grill is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-!  Being squished in a hammock is the best. Babysitting is the best when you get to meet the new baby. 'Lil baby loves. ❤❤#Grace #thoselittlefingerstho Hope you enjoyed come back soon! -Becca

I miss you

I really do miss you but I know that you are in a better place,  And you can finally see,  And if you can see my dog right now would you tell him hi for me,  But I know that I love you and you love me. I miss the way you laughed at your own jokes, The way you made the fire crackle,  And how your voice went wild when you told a story, But I know that you are watching from above, And I know that you are smiling down at me, I really do miss you Papaw. I can't wait till I can see you again, And I know that you are probably running all over the place, Smiling as we try to become great, Like I said I really do miss you. I wish you could be with us this Father's day Papaw. But since you can't I thought you would like this. You were always telling us to sing a song for you and Mamaw. Please tell Buster I said hi. I miss you                                                                Love, Becca

DIY Purple Fluffy Glitter Slime

I...…am...…addicted..... to.... slime. It's like the best thing ever and it's so easy to make! So lets get started!   INGREDIENTS                                 1 bottle of Elmer's glitter glue 3 TBLSP laundry detergent Shaving cream (enough to make it fluffy) Contact solution (Enough to make it not sticky.) DIRECTIONS: Pour glue into a bowl, add laundry detergent. Mix until the glue pulls away from the edges. Add shaving cream as needed. If not using glitter glue, add food coloring and glitter. Apply contact  solution until slime is no longer sticky. If you don't have contact solution use water. Work together until its no longer sticky. Once ready, squish 'till your  heart is content. The finished product!! ❤❤ (Like I said I'm addicted to slime :P)  No matter how interesting your slime looks it feels AMAZING! If you want  to go to the next level try putting slime into a balloon. It makes an awesome stress ball! Shaving crea